HEI’s Energy Group continues to remaining busy assisting our clients with facility design and engineering related services. Most recently, HEI assisted TransCanada with the installation of new 150 Hp Atlas Copco air compressors at three of their compressor stations located in Ohio, Kentucky and Mississippi. Holland Engineering is providing the installation design drawings for each location including the air piping, volume tanks, mist eliminators, air dryers, liquid drains, controls, structural modifications and cooling systems. At two of the stations, the compressors will be air cooled which requires a ducting design. The third location will be water cooled which requires a coolant system with controls, pumps, and fans.
The compressors are used to supply both starting air for TransCanada’s natural gas compressor engines and also instrument air for their pneumatic equipment in and around their facilities. This will add reliability to their air systems and in turn improve their ability to move gas throughout their cross country pipelines. HEI is pleased to have the opportunity to further assist TransCanada with our professional services.
For more information on our facility services, please contact Gary Smith, P.E., Energy Group Manager at 248.827.7322 or via email at gsmith@hollandengineering.com.