At Holland Engineering, we are committed to helping our clients find cost-effective solutions to environmental challenges. To do so, requires a staff who understands the complex science and regulatory structure behind environmental issues and one who has the resources to identify and engineer the right solutions.
Holland Engineering’s Environmental Department has been performing ecological studies on various projects ranging in scope from literature based assessments to detailed field studies, analysis, and modeling for several years. Our group of talented professionals has expertise in the full range of ecological services including threatened and endangered species, stream restoration, terrestrial wildlife and vegetation, environmental inspection, pipeline permitting and compliance and GIS services.
Holland Engineering is pleased to announce that with the addition of key senior staff we have now expanded the range of services we can offer our clients to include traditional environmental site assessment (ESA), site investigation (Phase I and Phase II), and remediation services. Linette McMonagle recently joined Holland Engineering to provide environmental and management consulting services. Linette is an environmental professional with over 25 years of experience and is considered an expert in environmental due diligence and property transfer, environmental risk management, National Environmental Policy ACt (NEPA) evaluations, brownfield redevelopment, soil and groundwater sampling, site investigations, and site remediation and restoration. Holland Engineering is excited to serve our clients in these new environmental markets.
Holland Engineering’s environmental group has also expanded its Environmental and Stormwater Inspection staff to serve our clients through the addition of Derek Murray. Derek has over 15 years of experience in the field of environmental and construction inspection and has worked on projects throughout the U.S for our pipeline, road and other energy clients. His knowledge of regulatory requirements, construction standards and commitment to compliance make him an expert in this field. He is also a certified Stormwater Operator in several states. We are also fortunate to have Jack Katerberg, Dina Pollock, Ronda Poth-Weber, and Brad Latvaitis working as environmental inspectors on our active projects. Our growing inspection team continues to provide consistency in environmental control and compliance to our pipeline clients.